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Johkasou Installed

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Regular Johkasou Models

Daiki Axis offers a range of regular Johkasou models designed for efficient industrial sewage management and industrial wastewater treatment in Indonesia. These models are equipped to handle high loads, ensuring swift treatment processes while requiring minimal maintenance.

One of the key benefits of these Johkasou models is their ability to remove Nitrogen through the anaerobic filter chamber, enhancing the treatment efficiency.

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Domestic Johkasou Models

Daiki Axis offers Domestic Johkasou models designed specifically for domestic sewage and wastewater treatment in Indonesia, address-

ing the need to treat wastewater effectively. Domestic wastewater

arises from human activities, such as cooking, bathing, washing, and hand cleaning. 

The main components of pollution in domestic wastewater include parameters such as BOD, Ammonia, TSS, TDS, TN, TP, and Coliform.

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Daiki Axis is the largest sewage treatment plants (STP) manufacturer in the world.

Daiki Axis Indonesia uses Johkasou Technology to offer effective and eco-friendly wastewater treatment solutions.

Water is one of the most essential resources for life and plays a vital role in both daily activities and economic growth. At Daiki Axis, we specialize in manufacturing and exporting Packaged Sewage Treatment Plants (STPs) designed to conserve water and protect the environment.
We offer a wide range of decentralized STP systems (Johkasou), ideal for government projects, residential areas, industries, and commercial establishments. Johkasou systems feature an advanced purification structure that effectively treats both black water (toilet waste) and grey water (household wastewater).
Our solutions can also be customized to meet local regulations, special requirements, or site-specific needs. Backed by a team of trained experts and trusted sales partners, we ensure that each STP system is configured to provide the best wastewater treatment for your project.

Our Project


Daiki Axis Indonesia is dedicated to protecting the environ-

ment and creating a better future through sustainable water

and wastewater solutions. The company strives to innovate

and provide eco-friendly technologiesthat benefit commun-ities worldwide.


Daiki Axis Indonesia aims to be a global leader ienviron-
mental solutions, exceeding expectationsand making a
lasting impact. The company envisions a world where
clean water and sustainability drive progress and prosperity.


Packaged Wastewater Treatment Plant

Johkasou is a type of decentralized sewage treatment plant (STP) designed to manage wastewater from homes, schools, industries, offices, etc.
It treats human waste from flush toilets as well as gray water from kitchens, bathrooms, laundry machines, and other domestic sources.


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A Johkasou STP (Sewage Treatment Plant) is a system used to clean wastewater. It helps treat sewage and wastewater from homes, factories, or communities, making it safe to reuse or release back into the environment.
All wastewater discharged from houses, hotels, resorts, banks, hospitals, factories, schools, apartments, offices, and many more can be treated for reuse.
Yes, Johkasou STP systems are compact and can fit in small spaces, making them ideal for areas where there isn’t much room.
As per the customer’s requirements, we can supply any scale of Johkasou capable of storing wastewater.
Yes! Johkasou STP helps protect the environment by cleaning wastewater before it's released back into nature. It reduces pollution, saves water, and allows treated water to be reused, which helps keep the planet clean.
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